
"Violence and Injury in the Context of Sustainable Development"

May 16th to 18th, 2024

Ethiopian Skylight Hotel

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

"Violence and Injury in the Context of Sustainable Development"

May 16th to 18th, 2024

Inter Luxury Hotel

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Advancing Equity in Low-Resource Settings

The Bethune Round Table (BRT), a highly anticipated annual interdisciplinary meeting dedicated to tackling the challenges of delivering accessible, high-quality surgical care to marginalized patients in low-resource settings, will be held at the prestigious Inter Luxury Hotel. The BRT provides a platform for health professionals from diverse disciplines to convene and exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas on improving healthcare outcomes in under-serviced regions.


Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the contribution of improving Injury care towards achieving the UN sustainable Development Goal.
  2. Determine the key factors in enhancing the human resource capacity in emergency and surgical care.
  3. Recognize the gaps in the continuum of injury care and map possible intervention areas.
  4. Acquire surgical and emergency care simulation, digital training tools to improve emergency care and surgical education.


Meet the people who get the job done

Meseret Abeza

Meseret Abeza, Nurse

Azeb Kebede

Azeb Kebede

Dr. Arsema Goytom

Dr. Arsema Goytom

Dr. Ribka Beleat

Dr. Ribka Beleat

Dr. Seye Mesfin

Dr. Seye Mesfin

Dr. Tsegazeab Laeke

Dr. Tsegazeab Laeke